This is a beefed up version of the . It's a tad longer and heavier than the Racer, but it also allows you to carry double the plugs. Each plug is stuffed in a little tube that threads into the main body of the tool. That tube can be unthreaded and flipped around, and another plug is right there waiting for ya! Pretty sweet! I'd argue that the ergonomics of the Racer and Racer Pro for the actual puncture insertion is superior to the Dyna Plug Pill, and now that the Racer can carry more than 2 measly plugs, this is gunna be my go to, and should be yours too!
1 - Dynaplug® Racer Pro Tool
1 - Megaplug
3 - Standard Plugs
1 - Standard Twin Tube™
1 - Standard/Megaplug Twin Tube™